Android App Development


The Rise of AR/VR Apps: App Development Companies Building the Future

Think about a society in which it was enjoyable to study history by simply strolling in the streets of modern Rome, or simply going to a concert enjoying the same atmosphere of the first rows no matter the distance. That’s not fiction anymore – that’s AR and VR in practice and virtuality is the future […]

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Android Development Company

Android Development Company for Global Markets

As per the industry reports of Idea Usher, Android holds a 71.63% market share in the operating system (OS) market in 2023. Another figure reveals that between 2016 and 2021, there has been a 63.5% surge in annual global app downloads, rising from 140.68 billion to 230 billion downloads per year. That’s where Delimp Technology steps

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How to Create Android Applications that Are Helpful for Retail Stores

How to Create Android Applications that Are Helpful for Retail Stores

Almost everyone now owns a smartphone and uses it to do the majority of their job. As a result, every business should grasp why the digital world is so vital. Every company needs Android applications right now. An application may be used to communicate with clients, promote products, and so on. There are several advantages

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