Author name: pankaj adhikari

Steps to get your app promote in App store,

Steps to get your app promote in App store

How To Promote Your App in Apple’s App Store App Store Optimization (ASO) – Developing an app is a cumbersome task, however, once its done, the sense of accomplishment drives us crazy. You’ve designed and designed a high-quality iOS app, and currently, it’s been accepted into the App Store. The question currently becomes: however, does one […]

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How UX-UI Design Helps Your Business To Grow?,

How UX-UI Design Helps Your Business To Grow?

In today’s fast-growing business landscape, entrepreneurs have been involved in enhancing brand identity, generating new revenue streams, and increasing customer engagement. Because we operate in a digitally-driven world, these priorities are more and more being fulfilled by way of a digital internet or mobile app. Anyway, the challenge lies in doing your best in the

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Importance of Digital Marketing in The Pandemic,

Importance of Digital Marketing in The Pandemic

In the Covid19 pandemic, Businesses relied on Digital Marketing to promote their products and services. Since the internet became the center of nearly everything, Digital Marketing In the Pandemic proved to be rewarding for brands than ever. In short, the pandemic had a  considerable positive impact on Digital Marketing. All the digital marketing elements proved

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TOP 12 Benefits of Choosing Customized WordPress Themes,

TOP 12 Benefits of Choosing Customized WordPress Themes

Let’s consider that after much research you select the best WordPress development company in Dubai. Now, Taking this ahead, the next question that you would likely to face is whether your WordPress website designer should use inbuilt WordPress themes or they should customize the WordPress themes as per the unique business requirements. Both have their

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Top 5 Ecommerce Web development Trends for 2021,

Top 5 E-commerce Web Development Trends for 2021

The eCommerce business is soaring higher than ever. So, in the fiery competition of the eCommerce space, it is necessary to keep pace with the growing technology. TheeCommerce companies that understand the technology trends and craft the e-commerce platforms by using the new technology in e-commerce Website Development have more chances of succeeding.  As the

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Difference between On-page SEO and Off-page SEO,

Difference between On-page SEO and Off-page SEO

As Google continues to change constant updates and modifications to their SEO algorithm, one thing continues to face true. You cannot oversimplify things and only specialize in one dimension. Your SEO strategy must address both on-page SEO and off-page SEO. What is On-Page SEO? On-page SEO (Search Engine Optimization), it’s the process of optimization of the

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7 Main Reasons to Consider Responsive Web Design,

7 Main Reasons to Consider Responsive Web Design

The usage of mobile gadgets like tablets and smart phones has improved rapidly and they’ve overtaken the desktop as the principal system of accessing the web. With customers accessing the web via tablets and mobiles, rather than a computer, the significance of having a mobile-friendly website turns into predominant. Main Reasons to Consider Responsive Web

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10 SEO Tips To Help You Outrank Your Competitors On Google

The best way anyone can beat their competitor is by providing better service and products. Add a good marketing strategy with the quality of the products and you are unstoppable. Your competitors will then follow you. We are living in a digital world. People and businesses are online. It is all due to the internet

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What Is Mobile App Development & How Mobile App Is Important In Your Business?,

What Is Mobile App Development & How Mobile App Is Important In Your Business?

Welcome to our blog! You are here because you are looking to understand what Mobile App Development is or why do businesses need them. So, you are nodding in confirmation. Just answer one simple question what is the one thing you cannot live without other than food. Hint! It is a handheld device with the power of

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