Importance of Digital Marketing in The Pandemic

Importance of Digital Marketing in The Pandemic,

In the Covid19 pandemic, Businesses relied on Digital Marketing to promote their products and services. Since the internet became the center of nearly everything, Digital Marketing In the Pandemic proved to be rewarding for brands than ever. In short, the pandemic had a  considerable positive impact on Digital Marketing. All the digital marketing elements proved to be beneficial for the businesses.  For example, because of a surge in online activities, The cost per result went down and the Return On investment improved phenomenally.

Digital Marketing proved effective in the pandemic because of two simple reasons. First, because people were spending much time online being confined to their homes. Second, consumers were only favoring the online purchase of products and services. This gave a clear opportunity to the businesses to create the essence of their brand identity by using the tools of  Digital Marketing. Moreover, different strategies of Digital Marketing have seen different responses during the pandemic. For instance, Social Media Marketing proved effective to some of the companies whereas creating innovative content proved to be a key to engage the audience for some. So, let’s understand the impact and importance of each and every arm of Digital Marketing In The Pandemic. Also, Some effective tips to further optimize the Digital Marketing Strategy during the pandemic are also suggested.

Social Media Marketing

During the pandemic, Social Media has become the main platform for updates, trends and information. The time spent on the social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn was more than ever. Here the businesses got a great chance to represent their products and services and create a unique identity among the customers.

But even after this great opportunity, not every business could successfully use Social Media Marketing. Why? Simply because of the lack of unique storytelling. During the pandemic, unique storytelling and creating the new trends among the users worked above everything else. And the brands which successfully replicated this were the top makers from the Social Media Marketing.

So here are some quick helping tips for your business to optimise the Social Media Strategy during the Pandemic:

  1. Creative Content is the key; so focus on creativity as much as possible.
  2. Video content proved to be more valuable for the audience, try and experiment with the video content.
  3. Use specific engagement features in the social media platform such as creating polls and quizzes.
  4. Build a unique storyline around your brand. Keep the distinct voice and tone.
  5. Invest in the Paid Social Media Ads as the Return On Investment is solid during the pandemic.

Search Engine Optimization

With the increase in the use of the internet, there has also been a great rise in the search queries on Google. This clearly indicates a solid impact that Search Engine Optimization can have on businesses during a pandemic. SEO has proved to be effective to stay ahead in the competition by ranking high in the search results. Also, working on Search engine Optimization now will give long term benefits. Because SEO is going to be relevant and effective even after covid 19 pandemic.

So here are some of the effective Search Engine Optimization Strategies that you can imply directly for better results.

  1. SEO needs consistency. So, keep the long term marketing goals in mind while working on the SEO strategy.
  2. Give importance to  Long-form content for better SEO during the pandemic.
  3. Follow Local Business tactics that will be helpful for small and medium scale businesses.
  4.  Target Coronavirus related keywords
  5. Identify the trending themes and target keywords accordingly

For better results, you can simply hire an agency with a better skill set. Also, To find the best SEO company in Dubai you can check the previous records and the portfolio of the company. Select these parameters carefully while selecting The SEO services company in Dubai. Remember to choose the SEO company in Dubai by considering the long term SEO. Considering this all and being a leading SEO Company In Dubai we at Delimp Technology offer comprehensive SEO services for our clients.

Pay Per Click Campaigns

PPC emerged as the most cost-effective tool during the pandemic. The average cost per click reduced to 50%  and what could be more impressive than that! The equation for this great price reduction was simple. More people were online, giving a wide audience base to the selected keywords. And a business that wanted to make a short term impact on their business for a specific product or service used this opportunity very well.

So taking this ahead, how can optimize the Pay Per Click Campaigns to keep the cost per click as low as possible and still get the best results?  Here are some of the tips that would help you to create a great PPC campaign during the pandemic.

  1. Identify the best Ad schedule and set the campaign accordingly.
  2. Keep checking the performance metrics and tweak the campaign accordingly.
  3. Choose the keywords that give you good results and keep doing changes at each stage.
  4. Find the keywords and adjust them as the campaign proceeds.
  5. Make use of the analytics and make improvements.

Email Marketing

As we know email marketing is one of the most reliable forms of Digital Marketing. In the Covid19 pandemic, it is again proved to be the most effective. During the pandemic, it is noted that the open rate increased by more than 4.7 average points. This means clearly that email marketing has been able to engage the audience effectively during the pandemic.

Moreover, email marketing has proven to be the most cost-effective medium of digital marketing In the pandemic, as it showed more precise results with considerable low cost per result.

Here are some of the tips to make an outstanding Email Marketing Strategy:

  1. The email should be personalised and creative enough to engage the customer
  2. Keep the complete balance between the tone and style.
  3. Don’t create click baits, try to add some value
  4. Analyse your results after every email campaign
  5. Try to cut the campaign into different segments if possible for better results and time to analyse.

Content Marketing

Throughout the pandemic, people have spent more time on various categories of content be it video, text or audio. This increased appetite of the Content all over the world has been realised by the brands to create their own identity. By providing valuable Guides, Blog Posts and even free Courses have allowed the business to engage the audience. Content has been proved not only effective but also turned out to be great for the business growth. A business that focused on creating innovative content ideas has been able to hold the attention of the customers and were even able to convert them.

Now, let’s see some tips to craft the best Content Marketing Strategy during the Pandemic:

  1. Do Analysis & Evaluation of Your Existing Strategy
  2. Craft Creative, engaging and value-adding Blog Posts
  3. Give importance to different types of content especially Videos and Podcasts
  4. Create content for different channels with outstanding designs and storytelling
  5. Focus on educating the audience through the content and adding more value than just a promotion.

Remember, monitoring the Content Marketing Strategy at each stage is very important. Keep checking what works best for your business and then tweak the content accordingly.

Summing Up:

Whether Digital Marketing In The Pandemic is effective? The answer is Yes! This is indeed the right time to build an online presence through Digital Marketing. Customers are moving online so do the businesses. There is much more scope and space to target the customers effectively. And Remember, the outcomes of Digital Marketing In the Pandemic are not only limited to the limited time but it can have a long positive impact.
