Major Must-Have Features for E-Commerce Website

ecommerce website development, ecommerce web design, ecommerce web development

Are you building a new eCommerce store for your company or searching for methods to make your existing store more functional? By drawing some inspiration from the leading eCommerce firms, you can easily create an eCommerce experience that will thrill your customers.

The products sold, how well the website is promoted, the features it offers, as well as the user and website owner, all have an impact on how successful a website is. It is crucial for business owners to have the tools necessary to administer their websites and ensure that the administrative features mesh with their operational procedures. If you give your customers payment restrictions, for instance, you must make sure the platform you’re using enables you to set a customer’s credit limit. Think carefully about the eCommerce features required before starting a project, or you’ll later regret it.

The Must-Have Website Features in E-Commerce Websites in 2022:

A homepage, products page, blog, and about us page are common features of a functional However, to keep up with the rapidly evolving technology environment and the changing wants of their clients in 2022, eCommerce operators will need to think outside the box. Here are a few key features of the eCommerce website, any eCommerce web development services must include.

  1. Responsive Website Design:

Nowadays, customers increasingly shop online and engage with brands via their mobile devices. Customers can buy things with only a few scrolls and clicks from the comfort of their screens, therefore it’s crucial to make sure your website is responsive and mobile-friendly for all platforms.

Recent statistics show that 79% of smartphone users made online transactions over the course of the previous six months. In addition, many B2B firms have embraced mobile websites as a result of the global pandemic, with 80% of B2B consumers now using a mobile device to make purchases. In recent years, there has also been a growth in the creation of apps with distinctive branding, which has paved the way for improving the online consumer journey.

  1. User-Friendly Navigation:

Most users immediately check out the website navigation when they visit a new website. The 2021 Digital Experience Benchmark Report claims that 54 seconds is the average amount of time spent on a page across all industries. The attention span shortens after that.

Making your navigation as user-friendly as possible can assist your visitors to navigate your site quickly and effortlessly, whether they’re trying to buy something, get more information, or even contact customer care.

According to eye-tracking studies, individuals spend 80% of their viewing time on your website’s left side and only 20% on its right, so focus on that area of the site most to capture their attention.

  1. Multiple Security Features:

As technology develops, there is an increased risk of security breaches. Another essential for any eCommerce website is security features. Utilizing a VPN is one of the greatest ways to secure data and information online (a virtual private network). Often, without your knowledge, this serves as your website’s initial line of defense against harmful viruses and other intrusions. Businesses are recommended to employ a professional form of VPN service from GoodAccess because their customers’ data and earnings are at great risk. This is especially helpful when medium-sized to large teams from several countries are gaining access to your important data.

  1. Shopping Cart and Checkout Buttons:

The main objective of an eCommerce Web design service is to increase sales, and having a well-optimized shopping cart function can only help you do this. Customers demand features like quick service, easy checkout, reliable payment choices, and even the ability to preview their products before making a purchase when it comes to optimizing their shopping cart.

During the customer journey, obstacles or challenges that your consumers face can have a significant impact on their choice to purchase from your company. The average cart abandonment percentage as a result of these impediments, according to Baymard, was 69.82%, while the abandonment rates for the travel, fashion, and retail sectors were 81%. Here are some best practices to adhere to in order to prevent your clients from leaving your brand.

  1. Offer Multiple Payment Options:

The main objective of an eCommerce website is to increase sales, and having a well-optimized shopping cart function can only help you do this. Customers demand features like quick service, easy checkout, reliable payment choices, and even the ability to preview their products before making a purchase when it comes to optimizing their shopping cart.

During the customer journey, obstacles or challenges that your consumers face can have a significant impact on their choice to purchase from your company. The average cart abandonment percentage as a result of these impediments, according to Baymard, was 69.82%, while the abandonment rates for the travel, fashion, and retail sectors were 81%. Here are some best practices to adhere to in order to prevent your clients from leaving your brand.

  1. Detailed Shipping & Return Information:

The outbreak had a substantial impact on global supply and shipping networks, which also had an impact on consumer behavior. In order to adapt, brands must manage client expectations.

Two customer patterns were found by Shopify’s research, which eCommerce business owners should be aware of. First, 75% of customers say that free shipping significantly influences their decision to check out an item. While 68% of customers prefer to know exactly what shipping costs will be before making a purchase.

If shipping is free or paid, it must be made explicit on your website in order to inspire confidence and set expectations. Failure to do so may cause clients to abandon their shopping carts or even switch to a competing brand.

Another consideration for your checkout page is to make sure clients are aware of your return policy. This is because if the return process is straightforward, 92% of customers will make another purchase.
