How to Make Your Website Mobile-Friendly with Responsive Web Design

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As per the recent statistics for 2023, 73.1% of visitors leave a website due to non-responsive web design, and more than 55% of website traffic comes from mobile globally. With the rising internet consumption and availability of smartphones, people now have instant access to mobile internet and its applications.

Certainly, mobile-friendly websites have emerged as an important tool for elevating website traffic. Now, one cannot neglect the potential of having a mobile-responsive website. These websites are simply those that are optimized to function properly on smartphones and other devices as per the device screen sizes. Improved UX, wider audience reach, faster page loading, and competitive advantage are some of the proven benefits of mobile responsive websites.

So, in this article, we have discussed responsive websites, their elements, and how to make a responsive website in five simple steps.

About Responsive Web Design

Responsive web design, or RWD, is a modern approach to building websites that are able to display pages on different devices (desktop, laptop, smartphone, tablet, TV, etc.) according to their screen sizes. This web design functions using cascading style sheets (CSS). The resolution, orientation, color, and other characteristics are set depending on the screen size.

A responsive web design greatly matters for business owners and web designers because

  • It is cost-effective and time-savvy, which means it is not required to build different sites; instead, a single site is created that works well for every device.
  • One can modify and make changes to the layout and design on various device width ranges with media queries.
  • It is easier to maintain a responsive website because you will have to make changes only once.

Elements of Responsive Web Design

Now, let’s understand the elements of a responsive web design, with the help of which a mobile-friendly website is created. 

  • CSS and HTML: These are the coding languages that are used to resize, hide, shrink, extend, or move the content to enhance its appearance on the screen. HTML is used for the structure, elements, and contents of the webpage, whereas CSS is used for the design and layout.
  • Media Queries: They are used to create different layouts per the viewport size. The CSS media queries include conditions to display a responsive web page. 
  • Fluid Layouts: This layout is user-friendly and is built to adjust the screen resolution according to the user’s device. Due to this layout, the websites expand or contract based on the width of the current viewport.
  • Responsive Images: These images work effectively on mobile devices with various screen sizes and resolutions. The images are constrained using the style sheets and positioned in the website content, header, or background. 
  • Speed: The page loading speed is the top priority in making a website responsive. The page that loads within seconds has a lower bounce rate. It is essential to optimize, implement caching and minification, and improve critical rendering paths. 
  • Flexbox Layout: CSS’s display flexbox property is used to justify, change direction, align content, grow, shrink, etc. It is a CSS-moduled design to lay out multiple elements efficiently.

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5 Steps to Make Your Website Mobile-Friendly with Responsive Web Design

Given below are the five steps to creating a mobile-friendly website with responsive web design.

1. Set Responsive Breakpoints (Media Query Ranges)

Setting responsive breakpoints, also known as media query ranges, is crucial for designing websites that adapt to various devices. Designers use CSS media queries to define these breakpoints, specifying styles for different screen sizes. By choosing appropriate breakpoints, developers ensure optimal UX, layout, and content visibility across devices. You can use the following media queries: 

  1. 576px for portrait phones
  2. 768px for tablets
  3. 992px for laptops
  4. 1200px for large devices

2. Create a CSS Grid Layout

Creating a CSS grid layout in a responsive web design involves defining rows and columns to structure webpage content. Using grid properties, developers can precisely position elements, creating responsive and visually appealing designs.

3. Impose Responsive Images

Imposing responsive images means optimizing web images for different screen sizes and resolutions using techniques like srcset and sizes attributes to deliver appropriately sized images to different devices.

4. Responsive Typography For Website

Responsive typography adapts the text elements on a website using CSS’s viewports and media queries. Adjust the font sizes appropriately to match the screen size.

5. Testing the Responsiveness

It is essential to test the responsiveness and evaluate the website’s performance across various devices. It ensures that the website is optimized for different devices.


For making a website mobile-friendly, implementing a responsive web design is crucial. For this, knowledge of CSS and HTML is requisite. You can also connect with a web development company to make your website responsive. Utilizing flexible grids and layouts, CSS media queries, and responsive images, these websites ensure consistent UX, readability, and functionality. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1. What is a responsive web design, and why is it essential for mobile-friendliness?

Ans. Responsive web design is a technique that ensures websites adapt to different screen sizes and devices. It’s crucial for mobile-friendliness as it provides a seamless user experience across smartphones, tablets, and desktops.

Q2. How does responsive web design work?

Ans. Responsive design uses CSS media queries and flexible grids to adjust the layout, images, and typography based on the user’s device, ensuring optimal viewing and interaction.

Q3. What are the key elements of a mobile-friendly website?

Ans. A mobile-friendly website has a clean layout, easily clickable buttons, readable text, optimized images, and fast loading times, all of which responsive design addresses.

Q4. Will my website’s SEO be affected by mobile-friendliness?

Ans. Yes, search engines prefer mobile-friendly sites, potentially improving your SEO rankings and increasing visibility to mobile users.

Q5. How can I test if my website is mobile-friendly?

Ans. Use Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test tool to check your site’s mobile-friendliness. Additionally, various online emulators and real device testing can provide insights.
