What Is the Difference Between UI and UX? UI vs UX Design

What Is the Difference Between UI and UX? UI vs UX Design,delimp.com

Finally, you have decided what your product is going to look like and how you want your user to experience it. If you ever wanted to know what is UI UX design all about? Then this is the simplest way to understand them. The UI also called the user interface is responsible for giving the important pointers to the user suggesting the next move. The UX also is known as the user experience gives the user a good experience after following the pointers. Well, this is for the layman to understand the difference between the UI vs UX.

However, if you are a professional who is just beginning to understand the UI UX design differences, then you must dwell a lit tad more. With technology, advancing many lucrative career opportunities has come up. There is an opportunity to work as a web developer, which requires good coding skills, you can be a quality testing professional or then we have the UI vs UX, designer professionals. You will find many resources that will provide you theoretical information about them both. And, will tell you the difference between them. But real learning only comes through experience and practice working on the projects.

What is UX design and UI design

What Is UX Design?

The function of user experience (UX) design is to achieve the highest level of consumer satisfaction among the user on using digital products like websites and applications. The process of user experience (UX) designing involves researching, developing and improving the usability, ease of use and satisfaction in the interaction between the product and the user. The purpose is to enhance the user experience by testing, improving and creating a product that has some value to the user and is pleasing to use.

The UX design uses difference disciplines like interactive design, wireframes, prototypes, information architect, user research, scenarios, usability, etc.

What Is UI Design?

If you want to understand user interface (UI) design, then just understand the buttons, controls, elements, and blocks of an application. These are the visual elements, which help create the feel and unique image of the product for the user. As a UI designer, you will want a good visual design that will catch the eye of the user and ensure a pleasing product experience. To better understand user interface design, picture any application you have used until the date. The menu of the app, screen layout, sitemap, text, colors, forms, checkboxes, tags, images, videos, graphic designs and behaviors of the user when performing a task.

Read Alos – Warning: These 5 Mistakes Will Destroy Your UI UX Designing

Differences Between UI and UX or UI vs UX

Focus Is Different For Both

They both carry out research but put to work in a different manner. user experience designer creates personas and does journey mapping to understand the user mindset. This means UX designers focus mainly on the logic part. UI designers think more creative and visual. They will create a prototype that is a hi-fi model. So, when you want to show your customers show the prototype by UI designers and when you are showing a prototype to a programmer show him the prototype by your UX designer.

They Use Different Tools

The roles of UI and UX designers are different, so they also use different tools for their work. The UI designers want high definition images with great quality, thus image editing is of prime importance for them. They use tools like Flinto and Principle. When they want to work in the team the option of InVision is very advantageous.

UX designers’ wireframing saves time and makes designing more efficient. There are various prototyping tools in the market like Mockplus, Balsamiq, and Axure, etc. Each one has its own unique functions that make them helpful.

They Differ In Use Of Colors, Visuals, And Typography

The UI designers make a prototype using different colors, icons, designs, images, and text fonts to give a realistic look. On the contrary, user experience designers use three colors black, white and grey in their prototype design. While making the prototype UX designers focus mainly on general user experience and the user interface designers focus on test efficiency and attractiveness of their user interface design.


Ultimately, you must remember that UI and UX may seem similar but still, they have differences. Where how things look is UI and how things work is UX. The process is UX and what is delivered is UI. Now you know that user experience gives interface usefulness and UI is responsible for the beauty of the interface. Our team of designers understands how to build an emotional connection through user interface design and ensure users accomplish goals through user experience designs.
